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پروگرامر USB پر سرعت Xilinx

 XLINX HiSpeed ​​Cable USB is a high-performance download cable for programming and configuring XILINX CPLDs, FPGAs and ISPs. We use XILINX's latest digilent USB JTAG cable JTAG-SMT2 design and production.

   Use a USB 2.0 interface to connect to a desktop or laptop via a high-speed shielded USB cable without an external power supply. In the string mode, for the FPGA device to provide up to 30MB / s configuration speed.

For example, it takes only 0.5 seconds to configure the XC3S400 device with a 12M configuration clock, and 8 seconds for configuring the Virtex5-110T with a 6M configuration clock. As long as the connection line is in good contact, almost no parallel port download line configuration failure often occurs.

Using iMPACT software, the programming and configuration of the device can be done by boundary scan, or SPI.The programming rate is optional from 125KHz to 30MHz.

XILINX HiSpeed ​​Cable USB is connected via a 14pin, 2.54mm pitch simple horn socket and target system. With an attached adapter board, the XILINX HiSpeed ​​Cable USB can also be connected to devices using a 10pin 2.54 pitch connector or a 14pin 2.0 pitch connector, as well as a 7pin DuPont header line interface. And provide the corresponding 7PIN DuPont head fly line (with signal mark), 6PIN DuPont line, 14PIN 2.54MM pitch cable.

    The company's products are designed and manufactured,  in the field of FPGA development and production experience of more than 10 years, to provide users with cheap products, quality and after-sales service is definitely not the general personal or small studio can match. The company's products are used to buy their own reflow soldering machine and wave soldering machine for production, we have 100% of the product quality control, to ensure that you receive the goods in the materials and workmanship and other aspects of promotional products in line with the product The

گارانتی: 18 ماه گارانتی و 10 سال خدمات پس از فروش
وضعیت محصول
دانلود فایل
  • سازگاری کامل با طراحی و محصول XILINX Digilent Hi speed JTAG-SMT2 ، پشتیبانی از ISE13.1 و ISE14.1 به بالا ، impact, Chipscope, EDK, Vivado و نرم افزارهای دیگر 
  • طراحی مدار پروگرامر بر مبنای ماژول دانلودر پر سرعت XILINX Digilent JTAG SMT2
  • پشتیبانی از سیستم عامل های XP, WIN7, 10 / 32bit and  64bit و لینوکس
  • پشتیبانی از تمامی  Xilinx FPGAs, XILINX   Zynq-7000, XILINX   CoolRunner ™ / CoolRunner-II CPLDs,
  • Xilinx Platform Flash ISP configuration PROMs,   Select third-party SPI PROMs, Select third-party BPI PROMs
  1. Automatic detection and adaptation of target I / O voltage, support for devices using 5V (TTL), 3.3V (LVCMOS), 2.5V, 1.8V and 1.5V interface levels, VREF level range 1.5 to 5.5V (redesigned JTAG Interface circuit, all can support up to 1.2V, and increase the interface protection circuit) and the official same .

  2. The target device download clock is optional and supports XILINX software for automatic speed control.

  3. Using expensive dedicated wide voltage level conversion and interface chip. Isolation is complete, this is not easy to use the easy to burn the interface chip can be compared . Because the level shift isolation chip is fully isolated, you can unplug the JTAG plug directly from the JTAG port while the target board is powered off, so that the user can not burn the expensive chips on your system because of misoperation. Even if the error will VREF wrong or plug it will easily damage the downloader or target board expensive chip . This is a lot of downloaders once because they accidentally get the wrong signal line will download the cause of the burner.

  4. Two-color LED status indication, orange indicates that the PC connection is normal, green indicates that the target board power is already powered and connected to the downloader. The SPI interface flash PROM device can be programmed and debugged.

  5. Interface adapter board, the use of anti-plug design , if inserted, there is no way to plug in. To avoid trouble because the plug can not work properly.

  • Xilinx Cable USB JTAG SMT2 high speed downloader 
  • High-quality copper USB2.0 1.5m long USB communication line